Ngā Auaunga Pātai | FAQ
Who can access Tārai Kura support?
Tārai Kura is available to schools that are, or will be undertaking significant Ministry funded build or rebuild projects. This includes new schools working through the establishment process, schools receiving additional roll growth facilities and schools updating their facilities.
Note: It is common for events and the online resources to be designed around the needs of the schools mentioned above. All schools (leaders, teachers and Boards) are welcome to participate in these events and make use of the available resources.
How do we access Tārai Kura support?
Schools are able to request support through their regional Ministry of Education Property Manager.
Note: For events please use the online registration process linked to each of these and for the resources, please use the Resources page to search.
Who do I contact for more information?
For more information email: contacttaraikura@gmail.com
I want to contribute to an online event or pānui – what are my next steps?
We would love to hear from you and/or capture your story! Please contact us at contacttaraikura@gmail.com
I missed an event, how do I access material?
Visit our events page or search our resources page for event summary articles from our pānui.
How do I connect with other Tārai Kura schools?
Our Communities of Practice (CoP) are an excellent way to do this. Please express your interest in joining a CoP by emailing us at contacttaraikura@gmail.com. We also encourage you to read the articles in our pānui, which are often written by school leaders involved in school builds. In addition, you can also ask your Ringa Whao for more information.