Monitoring Wellbeing and Learning

By Judy Bruce

To what extent are the impacts of change on learning and wellbeing monitored to inform future directions? In this Change Kete excerpt we share key ideas and resources related to this vital kaupapa.

Whether you are building a new school from scratch, rebuilding or redesigning your entire school, or expanding your school buildings, you will be leading significant change. The impact of transformational change on learning and wellbeing can have profound impacts on:

  • people: staff, ākonga, and community (including mana whenua and whānau)
  • school culture: the how and why of what you do
  • strategic intent: the goals of your school community.

As a result, continually monitoring the change process and its impacts can be critical to gauge the need for additional support. Change is often very exciting and positive when there has been an engagement process; yet it can also be traumatic and negative if stakeholders have been bypassed in the decision making and implementation of the change.

In the two page excerpt attached, we share some curated resources on this topic.  

Grow Waitaha also has a well curated selection of resources and ideas. You can learn more here.  


TK – Change kete excerpt, Wellbeing and Learning   PDF, 279.6 KB