‘New School’ Film Screening and Discussion

By Diana Wilkes

The New School Film is a dynamic documentary exploring future focused education and innovative learning environments.

‘New School’ showcases exceptional school design within Australia, as well as innovative thinking from leading Principals and experts such as Professor Stephen Heppel and Dr. Julia Atkin. The documentary highlights the challenges of 21st-century education as well as the importance of design in generating productive responses.  We would like to acknowledge Learning Environments Australasia and Moonshine Agency for the opportunity to screen this.

Watch the trailer here – https://vimeo.com/ondemand/newschool/

This Tārai Kura event will include a virtual screening of the film with a time for Q and A discussion afterwards with Chris Bradbeer from Stonefields School and Learning Environments New Zealand joining us.


Thursday, 3rd March 2022, 4 pm – 5 pm

Click here to Register

Note: Registrations will close midday Thursday, March 3rd 2022