Tārai Kura, April 2023 Pānui 16

By Carolyn Marino

Tēnā koe, and welcome to our April 2023 pānui. In this pānui we share with you stories, articles and resources with a focus on the visioning process, and the impact a strong aspirational vision can have on the operational and governance functions of a school. We also update you on current events and happenings.

In the article “Creating a unique vision”, Ringa Whao, Gabrielle Wall, shares from her wealth of experience of supporting many schools how the strategic planning cycle can both support the ‘bringing to life’ of a school’s vision, or stimulate its revitalisation. She asks “Is your vision statement memorable, to your community? What would you tell someone about your school if it were in an elevator pitch?” Gabrielle challenges schools to really look at their vision statement and ask – is this more than words on a page? Is it fit for purpose? 

Angela Vermeulen is a Ringa Whao with Tārai Kura, who also works with schools in the South Island through Grow Waitaha. This month she shares with us the school vision journey taken by Maitai School. In this insightful article, co-constructed with the team at Maitai School, we learn about what motivated this small specialist school to design a new vision for their learning community. Using a process where the vision was collaboratively designed with students, teachers, whanau and iwi, how did they bring it to life in the systems and structures that underpin day to day operations in the school? 

Our third piece comes from Nukumea Primary School which opened this year. Diana Wilkes, an Auckland-based Ringa Whao, who is also on the board at this school, shares some of the approaches the school board and leadership team have used in a slide presentation: “Visioning at Nukumea: from establishment to strategy.”

Don’t forget to SAVE THE DATE for our next online event on Wed 7 June @ 4 – 5:45pm. Topic: Inclusive design –  Creating spaces that work for all learners. 

We hope you enjoy the pānui!

Ngā mihi,

The Tārai Kura team

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