Tārai Kura | July 2022 | Pānui 9

By Diana Wilkes

Tēnā koe and welcome to the 9th pānui issue for Tārai Kura.

In this pānui we explore how three creative and innovative schools are working to ensure that their curriculum, teaching and learning is authentic and meaningful to their ākonga. 

Ormiston Primary School’s foundation ‘Leader of Learning’ Heath McNeil and Associate Leader of Learning Lisa Pearson, share how their rich curriculum, based around three strands- iExplore, iDevelop and iExperience, give learners the chance to learn in a variety of ways: from developing their independence and curiosity whilst investigating provocations; participating in targeted, personalised skill based learning to ensure the core requirements of the NZ Curriculum are met, to working collaboratively and connecting through an array of compulsory and optional immersion sessions aimed to spark new learning. 

The co-construction of learning is a hallmark of both Ormiston Primary and our second case study, Hobsonville Point Primary School. Daniel Birch is the foundation tumuaki and he shares what he and his team have been doing since the school’s establishment in 2012. From his description, we can see the power of ensuring a curriculum is founded on a strong set of learning values and principles that then drive all thinking and decision making.  He challenges himself and all of us to ask “why do we do what we do the way we do it?”

In our third story, foundation tumuaki Mel Bland and foundation DP Bev Aeranga of Te Uho o te Nikau School in Flat Bush, share with us the richness of the kaupapa that has been embedded into the day-to-day life of the school, through the strong partnerships the school has fostered over time, with mana whenua. This diverse school population enjoys a rich curriculum founded on strong bicultural principles, that allow them to highlight the diverse multicultural experiences that over 33 nationalities bring to their kura. #everythingisadraft ensures the school is constantly seeking feedback, improving and staying relevant to their learners’ needs. 

Finally, in case you have missed previous pānui, we have curated in an article an index of the wealth of topics these offer with links for you to easily access and enjoy these again at your leisure!

Thank you to all those who have helped us with this pānui. We appreciate and value your contributions.

Ngā mihi nui,

The Tārai Kura team 

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