Tārai Kura | June 2022 | Pānui 8

By Diana Wilkes

Tēnā koe and welcome to the 8th pānui issue for Tārai Kura. 

In this pānui we explore the intersection between property and pedagogy through a range of articles and a video vignette. We highlight the voices of inspiring leaders and education consultants who have shared their wisdom with us. Chris Bradbeer, Associate Prinicpal at Stonefields shares a piece entitled ‘On finished beginnings’ sharing insights and leaving you the reader with a provocation to reflect on. We hear from Mike Anderson, tumuaki at Waimairi School, in a video about leading property and pedagogical change that ultimately provides us with some very key takeways. In addition, Mary Anne Mills, an experienced Education Consultant, shares advice and insight around how to plan your learning spaces.

We also share a synopsis of our successful first Online Series event with our panellists: Ben Witheford, Ivan Davis, Mel Bland and Mike Anderson entitled, Leading Change: Journeying with Teams and Communities through School Transformation.  This includes links to the video whakaaro from this event and the key messages from each school leader.

Finally, an invitation to delve deeper into the Tārai Kura Change Kete is provided for you to learn more about pedagogy and space, and you will be introduced to a phenomenal book to support the property and design mahi in your context as well.

Thank you to all those who have contributed to this pānui. We appreciate and value your contributions.

Ngā mihi nui,

The Tārai Kura team 

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