Tārai Kura | May 2022 | Pānui 7
By Diana Wilkes •
Tēnā koe and welcome to the 7th pānui issue for Tārai Kura. This month don’t miss our online interactive event, Leading Change, Tumuaki Panel (June 15th 4-5pm). Tumuaki will share insights and discussions related to leading staff and communities through build projects. There will be the chance to share ideas with other school leaders. Check out the details below. You can register here. You are welcome to share this event with your networks.
In this pānui we explore the theme of “partnerships and perspectives” through a range of community engagement articles. We highlight the voices of inspiring Tumuaki who have shared their wisdom with us. May Road Principal, Lynda Stuart and Consultant, Sandra Jenkins share their experiences of using the Autens tool to engage communities in planning learning spaces.
We delve deeper into the Tārai Kura Change Kete to learn more about “partnerships and perspectives”, and consider a framework leaders can use when journeying with communities through change.
Thank you to all those who have contributed to this pānui. We highly appreciate your insights and wisdom.
Ngā mihi nui,
The Tārai Kura team