Visioning – from establishment to strategy at Nukumea Primary School.

By Diana Wilkes

Diana Wilkes is a Ringa Whao with Tārai Kura in the Auckland area and she has also served on the establishment board at Nukumea Primary School since 2021. She shares some of the thinking and processes that the leadership team and board undertook in partnership with mana whenua to align their vision with their strategic intent.

Image by: Courtesy of Diana Wilkes

Please view the slide deck here

to learn about the visioning journey at Nukumea.  The slide deck shares some of the approaches and strategies taken, and has nine parts:

  1. Establishment board, initial visioning mahi.

  2. Mana whenua engagement.

  3. Initial community / whānau consultation.

  4. Tumuaki sense-making and further work with the poari (board).

  5. Strategic planning begins: stocktake.

  6. Gap analysis with all stakeholders.

  7. Road mapping and metrics.

  8. Putting it all together.

  9. What’s next?

Click here to access the slides.