You’re invited! Leading school transformation webinar – 14 March 2024, 4-5pm online

By Judy Bruce

REGISTER NOW! In this webinar we host three Tumuaki who have led schoolwide transformation projects. We explore this topic by considering, “The foundations of change: It’s not just about the buildings”.


Redevelopments and new builds are often catalysts for transformation in pedagogy and practice. However, space doesn’t need to limit the ability to realise school wide change.

In this webinar, we hear from three Tumuaki who have led transformational change in a variety of diverse contexts:

  • Maurie Abraham, Hobsonville Point Secondary
  • Barbara Cavanagh, Huntly College
  • Lynda Knight de Blois, Glenview Primary School

Key questions we will explore with the panel:

  1. What were the key drivers of change within your school?
  2. In what ways did physical spaces provide opportunities for, or challenges to, transformational school wide change?
  3. What advice would you give to school leaders seeking to implement school wide transformation?

There will be opportunity for Q & A, and interactive discussion.


  • Thursday 14th March, 2024, 4-5pm
  • Free and online